Technology has reduced transportation time between places. Since the last few decades, the tourism industry has received a boost, as people travel more for business and leisure purposes. With the inception of online booking of hotels and transportation, people find it easy to schedule their travels much faster. Today, a large section of travelers opt for online booking of hotels, flights, trains, and so on.
Evidently, work pressure on travel and tourism companies have mounted with time. They need to manage their clients, provide them accurate and timely updates and answer their queries. Most of the established travel and tourism companies rely on a professional call center team.
Here are the key reasons explaining the importance of a call centre for your tourism business.

Advantages of travel call center services
Understanding contemporary travelers
Various events in the contemporary world influence the travel and tourism industry. These include mergers between airlines, security issues, intensive programs, international rules and regulations, promotions and policies. Informed travel companies can provide tremendous assistance to travelers, helping them to enjoy hassle-free travel. Today, travelers have the ‘do-it-yourself’ option open before them, when they book tickets for flights, rooms in hotels or seek accommodation in other places. However, a certain amount of window shopping is necessary for this purpose. Travel agents provide them with adequate support in choosing the best deals.
Well, when you outsource your call handling, email support, live chat support, etc. requirements to the experts, they provide relevant information to your clients. They answer their queries regarding the fastest rides, cheapest hotels and the right time for travelling. The professionals conduct the necessary research to dig out comparison charts and other information. Evidently, the travelers get adequate information from contact centers.
Providing personalized services
Travelers expect personalized services from travel and tourism companies. While booking a flight, hotel, package tour, or cruise, customers bank on contact centers for customized information. They may ask the agents about the availability of top-rated hotels in a particular tourist destination, the safest mode of transportation, and other particulars that they feel are relevant. When you are able to cater to their needs, you gain credibility and brand image.
Call centre outsourcing can refine your customer experience. The agents who answer to the queries of customers provide them with detailed information. This increases the dependency of your customers on your company.
Working with Data Analysis
It is important to analyze the contemporary trends in the travel and tourism industry. Through Data analysis, companies are able to study the habits of travelers. After studying their purchasing habits, preferences for hotels and flights and other elements, the companies provide them with relevant offers. When you outsource to a reputed call center services provider, the experts shoulder these responsibilities. It is not feasible to carry out these time-intensive tasks within your operational infrastructure for many reasons. Outsourcing your contact centre will allow you to be more focused on your business.
Multiple channel support
Both voice and digital channels are used by travel and tourism companies to connect to their customers. At times, it becomes necessary to use multiple channels at the same time. For instance, customers may call the agents over the phone and they, in turn, send back relevant information through chats. It is not possible for travel and tourism companies to purchase costly hardware and install sophisticated call center technology. Therefore, outsourcing turns out to be the most economical option.
Save time for the customers
Customers count on travel and tourism companies to save their time. A reputed contact center comes with all the necessary features to save time for customers. They can reduce the hold time for customers and, if necessary, call them back after finding the necessary information.
Trained personnel
The agents in contact centres receive specialized training to enhance the experience for your clients. When they seek updated information on accommodation, entertainment and transportation, the agents provide them with the desired information. However, it is necessary for them to receive professional training to support the customers. They need to possess the right product knowledge, along with soft skills to explain the benefits of a particular package to the customers. Outsourced call center for travel will ensure professional services to your customers.
Support on mobile
Smartphones have turned out to be versatile devices for connectivity. The call centres have erudite technology to provide them with support on their mobile devices. It makes all relevant information available on their smartphones for easy accessibility.
Proactive approach
Customers are heavily reliant on travel and tourism companies for timely updates about delays, special offers and warnings during travel. The contact centers keep them informed through multiple channels. Being proactive with your customers improves your brand image.
Interacting with other departments
It is necessary to communicate with various departments within your company, like billing, marketing and other departments. The call center agents streamline these areas too, easing up your internal operations.
Why are travel companies increasingly counting on Multilingual Call Centers ?
When you outsource to the experts, you can enjoy a two-way communication mechanism through phone calls, email, chat, and other channels. Besides, professionalism is the key force shaping your reputation. Outsourcing the Multilingual call centre services related requirements enhances the level of customer satisfaction. Besides dealing with general queries, the contact centers offer the following functions for travel and tourism companies:
- Marketing travel packages, boosting sales.
- Assisting customers with transaction and payment problems.
- Arrange welcome calls for customers.
- Manage the booking of tickets.
- Manage reservation of tickets.
- Guide the customers about holiday packages through chat.
- Provide support in case of loss of baggage
Key benefits of outsourcing your contact center only to a reputed company
Well, you must know that customers expect a seamless booking experience from travel and tourism companies. Evidently, it is necessary to outsource your requirements to the professionals. They take care of the queries of customers and ensure them a trouble-free booking experience. Your customers can enjoy the professional support of call center agents whenever they travel. They may want to compare rates, affordability and quality of services. The seasoned professionals at reputed centers cater to their needs and assist them in reserving hotels and tickets. The agents keep the customers engaged, while professionals at the back end book the tickets. It is a well-coordinated process that provides optimum satisfaction to the customers, which is exactly what you want to happen.
Traveling is a costly affair. Before making the final decision, customers seek information on flight details, transportation on land and air, cruise bookings and so on. It is important to provide them with the right information. Besides, various aviation companies and hotels offer seasonal discounts and other attractive schemes to their customers. The agents update them with relevant data, whenever they is available. Outsourcing the services to a tourism call center will help to establish your brand as one of the leaders in the market, besides providing the customers with the information they require.
The advantages of hiring BPO services for travel industry are:
Reduction of costs
Setting up your in-house booking mechanism involves substantial investments. Maintenance costs of technical equipment and hardware are also high. When you outsource, you can make substantial savings on training, recruiting and maintaining the equipment. In business, smart saving techniques matters a lot and outsourcing is one.
Streamlining the process
The procedures and processes in BPO companies are already in place. They evaluate their customer experiences and interactions constantly. When you count on the experts, you can enjoy the value of their expertise. The professionals streamline the process for better customer experience.
Support from various language-speaking agents
Communicating with customers and supporting them about available offers and schemes calls for expertise. The reputed travel BPOs hire experienced professionals. The agents are qualified and well-versed with multiple languages. They ensure adequate support to your company in dealing with the demands, complaints and inquiries of your customers. Even if your customers are not comfortable with the primary language, the experts can communicate with the language they are comfortable with.
It is necessary to provide 24/7 services to your clients, as travel schedules are prone to sudden changes in timings. Travelers might look forward to making changes in their plans, according to the circumstances. Outsourcing contact center services to a reputed company ensures them with all-time support.
Efficiency in your workplace defines your professional hallmarks. When you hire experts, they leverage the quality of services for your customers. The ability to coordinate with the customers, identify their needs and provide them with the most relevant information results in increased satisfaction. Besides, they assure committed services by providing accurate information to their clients.
You should note that outsourcing your travel call handling process is simply not about maintaining the quality of services or reducing your costs. A reputed contact center can increase your customer loyalty through their dedicated support. This strengthens your marketing strategy, as customers look out for a reliable company to bank on. When you plan to outsource your travel call center services, choose the right BPO Company to leverage maximum benefits of call center outsourcing. Pairing up with a recognized company can help you establish your authority in the industry while also expanding your market.