Storytelling in the digitized format comes across various presentations. You might land up in a dilemma when you are given three options- normal basic electronic books, enhanced eBooks and apps. Well, each of these formats have their merits and demerits, and an informed individual can pick the right one.
Irrespective of the format, these books can engage students in their academic courses. The scientific way of presentation that is adopted in these formats ensure that the readers are comfortable with the technical aspects without any unwanted complications.
You may be interested to know how these three formats are different from each other. Each of these formats need different tools to be developed and have variable capabilities. Even the prices of developing the individual formats are different.
Evidently, they are used by different client groups and before proceeding you should very well know whom you are targeting.
Production process
Comparing the three formats, eBooks enjoy the easiest production process. However, they have certain limitations when you consider the features. These can be developed even by non-technical persons, who lack any formal training in software development; it is not necessary to hire a professional company offering eBooks conversion services unless you are too particular about meeting global standards. On the other hand, apps require highly trained personnel to be developed. Advanced eBooks are moderately complex in the technical aspects. They require moderate grades of technical skills. Multimedia content like audio, video and animation are often required in advanced interactive eBooks. Evidently, this requires substantial amount of technical knowledge.
Selling process
Apps offer a multiplicity of features, still, they are available at a low price in the market. In fact, eBooks are high-priced as they contain literary work, authored by individuals. This value is added to the technical expertise required to develop them. Apps, on the other hand, are available for free in the cyber-world and people have unlimited access to them.
However, some apps need to be paid for. A trial version is available for free for a limited period of time. these apps do not have all the multimedia features. If the users find the app useful, they need to pay for it in order to enjoy all the features. Still, apps are low-priced, as people habitually avail them for free or at reasonably low prices.
In normal and advanced eBooks, people can see the preview before they download them. This enables the users to get a glimpse of the contents of the book. Before buying customers often compare their prices with the hardcover versions. Vendors charge more from the customers as the latter’s expectation is not too high with respect to the price.
Compatibility with devices
The customer base of the three versions are different. Apps can be personalised to a greater extent than the other two formats. Ebooks have limited features, whereas advanced versions have additional features to include such as video, audio and other multimedia features. For those looking for enhanced versions, kindle conversion is a reasonable step to take.
Here is a comparative study between the three formats with respect to compatibility:
Capabilities: The images and text in eBooks are static. The users enjoy little control over the size of texts and positions of images. An advanced version entitles the users with more features, like audio capabilities and basic animation. Apps provide maximum features with respect to sharing and animation.
Development: Developing an eBook does not require programming knowledge. It can be developed simply using PDF format or Word files. Advanced versions are more complicated, while apps are highly technical and require knowledge of Java and C programming languages.
Prices: Ebooks are priced higher than apps and advanced ebooks. Advanced eBooks are priced higher than apps. Apps cost the lowest among the three formats.
Availability: Ebooks are available across Nook, Amazon, Apple iBookstore and Kobo. Enhanced eBooks are available across Apple iBookstore, Amazon Kindle Store, Nook Store and Kobo. Apps are available across Google Play store, Amazon App store for Android, Apple App Store, Barnes and Noble App store, Windows 8 Store etc.
Device used: Ebooks are used in Nook, Kobo Reader, Kindle, iPhone, etc. Enhanced eBooks are used in iPad and Kindle Fire. Apps are used in Tablets and Android or iOS smartphones.
Location on device:Â Ebooks can be found inside different reader apps like Kindle, Nook, iBook or Kobo reader, enhanced eBooks in Kindle, Kobo or Nook reader and apps are found as stand-alone icons in the device.
For further assistance related to technical support and e-publishing solutions, feel free to contact us. We a renowned name when it comes to any type of eBook conversion services.