The best way to retain your customer base is by communicating with your audience. Many start-up business owners and entrepreneurs choose to personally reply to their consumer emails. It is really important if you want to connect with your consumers and improve the performance of your business. However, it becomes nearly impossible when your business starts growing.
When your team gets bigger, the number of consumers also starts increasing, thereby making it impossible to handle and monitor the responses all alone. Almost 60% of companies have problems responding to their customer inquiries on time. However, with our consistent email support services, we can find the most feasible way of communicating with your consumers while enabling you to focus on various business aspects that demand more attention.
PGBS is a topmost call center outsourcing services company that employs a wide range of customer care experts who can appropriately answer queries via email on your company’s behalf. We ensure our response time is quick and can effectively address any issues related to the client’s product or service.
Our main motto is to achieve 100% consumer satisfaction and win their loyalty for the client’s company, thereby helping the client to witness an immense increase in their sales. Besides, we always want the responses to be personalized and make sure that the answers are warm and friendly.
Our Email Support Outsourcing Services
Customer queries are not just limited to one and can be of different types. That is why we ensure that our team is well-trained to professionally and empathetically deal with every query that comes in their way. We generally handle consumer questions regarding the following topics.
Benefits You Can Receive by Availing Our Email Support Services
PGBS is a pioneer company and has over a decade of experience in offering multi language email support services to global consumers in their native languages from different parts of the world. We provide regular training to our team so that they can efficiently deal with solving escalated cases, customer care, verification, technical support, query resolution, order fulfillment, and more. It ensures that none of the emails that we receive goes unanswered and are answered in the most appropriate manner.
Below are the various other advantages that our clients can receive by using our top-notch services.
Outsource email support services to PGBS
Every company wants to increase its business and profitability. However, it is not possible to achieve it by relying only on auto-response and without conducting any follow-ups. Auto-response acknowledgments are not good at providing the best results since it does not answer the questions accurately. This, in turn, makes the consumer lose their trust in the organization and the company ends up losing a large customer base in the future.
However, with our email support services, we will take care of all these problems so that your company benefits from increased customer satisfaction.
We use the most popular CRM platforms so that integrating the email support to your chosen platform won’t be an issue for us. If you still haven’t decided which one to choose then, then experts can help you with selecting the right one for your job. Apart from this, our diverse customer support options such as live chat support and after hour answering support can also help you in saving costs on manpower, thereby increasing your revenue.